Welcome to MoonSugar. A blog featuring vintage, interesting and costume clothing as well as other little ditties that may catch your fancy

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice!!

Yesterday I had a really lucky day at the Goodwill near Sunset and Vine. they were having a sale on dresses and I picked up this precious lil dress by Gap for $6,00. The boots are my fave vintage pair off E-bay and the belt I found at a thrift store in San Francisco last year. The earrings came free from a clothing swap and the fan I borrowed. Whole outfit probably cost under $25 :-)

Monday, June 20, 2011

I have talented friends: tree ditty

I am a Tree

I am a tree and my roots run deep
Everyone and no one lies in me

My roots are embedded deep in the soil
And I shall not fall

The Sun may scorch
Storms may blow
The earth may quake beneath my veins

But my roots are deep and I remain

I remain to see another day
hear another song
taste another rain
love another life than my own.

Enjoy the vastness of the land
Simple sunsets
A school girl swing
Carved out love

I am a tree and my roots run deep
My roots run deep and I am Me

by: Shasta Iglesias

Just a little something for a Gloomy June morning

I put together this little outfit last week. Cheap lil skirt , stolen white scarf(sorry Ryan) , and a black cardigan from the goodwill.

Sunsets lost in
Skies of hazy greys
June gloom sets in
Puts me in a daze

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday's Inspiration

Yesterday I found this adorable little outfit on Modcloth and realized that I have just about the same thing at home! So Happy Friday and yay for my cute vintage thrift-store skirt!!